We have replaced a ‘Behaviour Policy’ with a ‘Relationships policy’ because we recognise it is healthier as a community to focus the time and energy we have on positive relationships as opposed to control and compliance; this then also becomes about all relationships, between adults and pupils, between adults and between pupils.
The school approach prioritises reflection and self-evaluation; individual autonomy and building on strengths; democratic representation and collaboration; praise that inspires growth rather than implying judgement and taking responsibility for yourself and others.
Click here to view our Relationships Policy
Pupil Quotes
“I feel people look out for each other and this makes them smiley.”
“I have learnt that there are many people you can be friends with. Every person you meet is a new opportunity. I think talk partners help this.”
“I have learnt that everyone is different and unique to one another and i have learnt to appreciate that. I have learnt to encourage others so that they have confidence in life.”
“I have learnt how to make great friendships and what a great friendship is.”