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Computing at Minchinhampton


“A high quality computing education equips pupils to understand and change the world through computational thinking. It develops and requires logical thinking and precision. It combines creativity with rigour: pupils apply underlying principles to understand real-world systems, and to create purposeful and usable artefacts.” National Curriculum

Computing on a page – Everything you need to know about computing at Minchinhampton Academy Minchinhampton C of E Primary Academy Milestones – Computing Computing Knowledge Organiser Computing on a page pedagogy Computing Learning Journey

At Minchinhampton Church of England Primary School we believe that computational thinking is vital in helping children to solve problems, be creative, and understand the capabilities and limitations of human and computer intelligences. We believe that all pupils should be aware of and develop competence in the field of Computer Science so that they are well equipped to thrive in today’s world and prepared for a future which has become increasingly reliant on the application of technology. We deliver an immersive and comprehensive curriculum, aiming to build on the range of technologies on offer for our pupils.

When you talk to a pupil from our school, we would hope you would find them to be resourceful, skilled and passionate about the application of Computer Science across all aspects of the curriculum and the wider world.  They should be able to explain how technology helps them to present their work through a range of multimedia content, support their learning and enhance their enjoyment and productivity when researching and designing. They will have a strong vocabulary and be ‘digitally literate’ – able to explain what algorithms are and why they are useful for processing and interrogating data for example.  They will be responsible and knowledgeable about safety in an online world and able to explain how to create secure passwords, avoid risky interactions and how to keep sensitive data about themselves confidential.

Most importantly, at Minchinhampton we hope that our pupils in a History lesson feel like historians; pupils in Science lessons feel like scientists and as such, when leaving a Computing lesson we want them to feel like computer scientists!

Year 1/2 E-Safety information Year 3/4 E-Safety information Year 5/6 E-Safety information


“Alan Turing gave us a mathematical model of digital computing that has completely withstood the test of time. He gave us a very, very clear description that was truly prophetic.” George Dyson

“I enjoyed making the Kodu worlds during ICT. I especially like the freedom to be able to go in the mazes. They are tricky and it is fun to work out how to get through them. I worked well with my partner with this. We learnt how to programme a robot to help us escape from the maze.”

Y5/6 We are Adventure Gamers – Programming Microbits with python coding

What our Pupils Say:

“I liked learning about data and how to do stuff on computers when we went to the computing day at SWR.  It was complicated because we all did different things and had to make a spreadsheet and formulas.  There were different challenges set.”

“ICT is a lovely way for me to express myself and get my ideas out of my imagination. For my Kodu world when I was working with a friend, although they were the one that would click the buttons, they were all my ideas and I did the coding. We were both pleased with our final worlds. I couldn’t have done it without them.”

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