Relationships are a strength at Minchinhampton Academy;
we would like them to be even better.
The charter aims to support all relationships within the school community,
including adult/adult, child/child and adult/child.
At the heart of relationships within our school there must be TRUST. With this trust in place, the school knows that all parents want the best for their children and that they are the experts on their children. Likewise, parents know that the staff take their role very seriously, that they have expertise in educating children and want the best for every child in the school.
Minchinhampton Academy is a very busy school. The community is creative, proactive and outward looking and the school reflects this. There are more clubs, pastoral interventions, PTA events, governor meetings and there is more change than in the average school. Staff aim to work as efficiently as possible but TIME is at a premium. Class teachers do not have ‘free periods’ and many run clubs and attend meetings after school. Some staff are often in school as late as 7.00pm and will work upward of a 70 hour week during term time. The community and parents are highly supportive of the school and, despite very busy lives of their own, many devote precious time to supporting in many different ways.All of the adults involved in our community want to prioritise the needs of our children above all else, and there is never enough time.
As a school we look to ensure all DECISIONS are made with the best interests of the pupils in mind – this above all else. In a school environment, we must constantly consider what is good for the individual and simultaneously what is good for all. We look to celebrate individuality but we must also be fair to all individuals.
Staff receive training in assertiveness and restorative practice to try to ensure they uphold their part of the charter. Year 6 pupils receive training in peer mediation.
The Charter is displayed around school and on the website. Its impact is monitored by the head teacher and governing body in regular consultation with pupils, parents and staff, and feedback is evaluated on an ongoing basis.
Please always look to contact your class teacher first,
regarding any concerns you may have
Click here to download The Relationship Charter as shown above
Click here to download the FULL Relationships Charter
Click here for more information about Communication at Minchinhampton Academy.