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Pupils should try to be in the playground by 8.45 am. The register will be taken by 8.55am. If your child arrives after the school bell, please ensure your child enters the school via the school office entrance. A member of the office team will sign your child in at the office hatch and book a hot meal if one is required. Your child will then be accompanied through the reception area to their classroom.




If your child is ill, you should contact the school office on the first day of absence before 09.00 am by email or 01453 883273 and speak to a member of the school office. If your child is off for a number of days, please keep us informed of their progress. If your child has been absent from school the week before and is still unwell on Monday, please inform the school office. If you inform the class teacher about an absence in person or in writing, please also inform the school office. If a child has a persistent medical condition then a Medical Action Plan can be set up to support the family.



Sickness & Diarrhoea: 48 Hour Policy

If your child is suffering with sickness or diarrhoea, please ensure they are
kept off school for a full 48 hours after the last bout of illness.



Attendance & Achievement

If attendance drops below 95%, then absence begins to have a significant impact on achievement. Catching up after absence can be difficult – this period can last as long as the absence itself. 95% attendance means around 10 days out of school in a year. 90% attendance means:

  • ½ day absent each week
  • 4 weeks absent each year
  • ½ year absent over 5 school years





Government regulations do not allow the school to authorise family holidays during term-time because of the significant disruption they represent to the child’s education and to the education of others. We will only authorise holidays in truly exceptional circumstances, if you do have exceptional circumstances and need to take time off school, you’ll be asked to meet the Head Teacher to discuss the absence. Please try to book holidays during the many weeks of the school holidays; children are only in school for 190 days of the year and their time in primary school is critical.

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