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Year 1 and 2

Y1/2 Curriculum Notes – Spring ’25 Y1/2 Curriculum Notes – Autumn ’24
Class contacts:

Miss James:
Miss Miles & Ms Gittins:
Miss Lager:

How you can help at home:

Please listen to your child read for at least 10 minutes daily, as this will help to improve their fluency and comprehension skills. Reading for pleasure is extremely important because it fires the imagination. If you also read to your child, they will benefit as they will hear the rhythm and expression needed to make a book come to life. Please ensure that you actively engage with your child during reading sessions and that you sign the reading record on the correct day. Every child should engage with a book for at least 10 minutes every day – this makes the world of difference!

Maths skills – please practise mental maths skills with your children. If you are in any doubt as to what these should be, please consult the school website or ask your child’s class teacher. Practising ‘real’ maths is also extremely useful, for example learning to tell the time and counting money out when shopping. My Maths activities will be added to the My Maths website (your child’s login details are glued near the front of their reading record).

Growth Mindset attitude/Learning Powers – At Minchinhampton C of E Primary Academy, we encourage a Growth Mindset and the understanding that mistakes are marvellous! We use the ‘learning powers’ (in KS1 these are animals) to help us with the following learning skills: concentrate; enjoy learning; don’t give up; be curious; be co-operative; have a go; keep improving; use your imagination.


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