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We know that often what makes any residential significant for pupils is the personal challenge (and excitement) of being away from home for several days with their friends. We therefore choose residentials whose activities are also inherently personally challenging, as opposed to curriculum based ones. We take the children away in the Autumn Term so that they can benefit for the rest of the year from the boost to their confidence, and stronger bonds with their classmates that this kind of trip inevitably brings them.

”The best moment this year so far has been Viney Hill: there were so many new games I found out about. Also, I have a bit of claustrophobia but I challenged myself and still went caving, then, at the end, I even tried the challenging route. I was most proud of that.”
(Year 6 Student)


Every year our Year 6 and Year 4 pupils go to Viney Hill Outdoor and Adventure centre in the Forest Of Dean for a residential stay. Here Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to go canoeing, rock climbing, caving and biking with trained instructors as well as enjoying a range of other activities including a night walk, obstacle course, orienteering and campfire. Year 4 activities include challenges such as tunneling and climbing, team building activities such as low ropes and crate stack building and creative learning experiences like bushcraft, geo-caching and rocket science.


Y6 Viney Hill Residential – 2021 Viney Hill Y5/6 – Various Years Viney Hill Y5/6 2019 – p3 Viney Hill Y5/6 2019 – p2 Viney Hill Y5/6 2019 – p1 Viney Hill Y5/6 – 2015

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