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Volunteers Needed

Dear Parents/ Carers As I am sure you are aware we currently have a traffic committee made up of parents, teachers and Year 6 pupils patrolling the school zig zag areas. They have successfully managed to reduce the amount of vehicles parking on the yellow zig-zags...

Curriculum Notes to Parents Autumn Term

Year 1 Curriculum Notes Autumn Term 2019 Year 2 Curriculum Notes Autumn Term 2019 Year 3-4 Curriculum Notes Autumn Term 2019 Year 5-6 Curriculum Notes Autumn Term 2019

Newsletter 1

Dear Parents/ carers I hope the summer was kind to you. We hope your children weren’t too disappointed at coming back to school. For myself there is rarely, if ever, that sinking ‘Sunday evening’ feeling as a term or a week in school approaches- for this I feel...


Dear Parents/ carers Re: School Vision In the latter half of last year, many parents gave us some really helpful insight into their hopes and aspirations for their children. As I promised we have used this feedback (along with feedback from other stakeholders...

Closure of Trutex

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