Dear Parents/ Carers
As I am sure you are aware we currently have a traffic committee made up of parents, teachers and Year 6 pupils patrolling the school zig zag areas. They have successfully managed to reduce the amount of vehicles parking on the yellow zig-zags making the school environment safer for all our children.
However, there are currently only a few parents who help out which makes a lot of work for them. Please could we ask for parents to help out with the parking patrols which are run at school drop off and pick up. Any days are acceptable and it can just be drop off (830-850) or pick up (1455-1520). Depending on the number of volunteers, it might only end up as a few sessions per month. The role just means helping supervise the children to approach drivers to tell them what the patrol is trying to achieve and to give them a leaflet.
If you can help, please reply to the office and we will get in touch.
Many thanks
The Traffic Committee