Bullying is treated very seriously at this school. Research has shown that the extent of bullying in schools is greatly underestimated and we are therefore well trained, proactive and make no assumptions. We recognise we all have a responsibility to maintain a caring ethos but also to respond quickly, fairly and effectively if bullying occurs. We have an information video about bullying on the school website. Please always talk to your class teacher first regarding any concerns you may have.
We will promote and celebrate respect for others and their feelings. Within this context we must be prepared to examine our own behaviour to ensure our behaviour is not bullying.
We will encourage purposeful, positive play. Play-leaders will run activities at lunchtimes under the guidance of a play co-ordinator.
Staff are trained to deal with bullying situations when they do occur.
We will discuss bullying with the children and provide the pupils with coping strategies.
We will teach the children how to recognise and act to resolve bullying; whether they are the victim or witness someone else being bullied.
We will constantly re-affirm our definition of bullying and our approach to dealing with it. For example signs in the playground will remind pupils not to suffer in silence and films about bullying will be frequently shown and discussed in assemblies throughout the year.
Pupils will be trained as peer mediators each year to help resolve friendship issues in the playground but they will be trained to refer onto the head teacher if it seems that bullying has occurred.
Click here to view our Anti-bullying policy.