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Restorative Practice



Restorative practice focuses on building, maintaining and restoring relationships and giving people agency in their own lives. Being guided by this creative, fair and humanistic approach helps to make our school even more devoted to fostering happy, healthy people.


“It’s all about how to re-build relationships when things go wrong; about trying to understand other people’s feelings and our own”
(Year 6 Student)


With its roots in the practices of indigenous peoples and through a belief in people and relationships, restorative practice brings attention to many vital aspects of our school culture: how we get along with each other; our differences as an asset; the importance of curiosity rather than judgement and collaboration rather than competition; being responsible for what’s yours and allowing others to be responsible for what’s theirs; listening to understand; asking more than telling; and kindness. Staff and students are encouraged to use the restorative practice questions, displayed on these posters throughout school.

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