Since 2014, every child in Reception, Year 1 & 2 is entitled to a free hot school meal.
Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 children may order a hot school meal
Cooked school meals are available at lunchtimes. A menu is provided to enable your child to make a choice each day. We encourage all children to have a hot school meal and arrangements for ordering these will be clarified before the children start saying for lunch.
Menus are offered on a termly basis, sent to you via e-mail.
Should your child not like the choices on a certain day, you are able to send in a packed lunch.
All dietary requirements are catered for; please ensure you have filled in and returned a Caterlink Allergies / Special Dietary Requirements Form, if required for your child(ren). These are available from the school office.
If you are providing a packed lunch and/or snacks, please note that we are a NUT & EGG FREE school; we have some children and staff with allergies, so please do not send any nuts, eggs, nut products or egg products into school including peanut butter, nutella, nut bars, egg sandwiches or scotch eggs. We also ask you not to include mayonnaise in packed lunches.Thank you.
We encourage parents and carers to use our Parent Pay system to make online payments for school lunches. Please contact the school office and they will send you an activation letter.