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Minchinhampton School Latest News

Nursery are always learning!

Over the last few weeks Nursery have been learning all about Chinese New Year - we practised our scissor skills by making Chinese lanterns, we have been practising and looking out for words beginning with S because this year is the year of the snake and we worked...

Midnight Year One and Two

Midnight making their healthy breakfast bowls of fruit and plain yoghurt as part of DT learning. We learnt how to hold a knife safely to chop up our fruit.  

Cyan learning report Year 3 and 4

In Cyan we have been very busy. In English we have been writing our own chapter for our book Planet Omar. Our chapters are written in the style of the author Zanib Mian who uses lots of funny writing and pictures drawn throughout the book. It's been really fun as we...

Aqua Yr 1 and 2

Aqua has been very busy this term. In science, we have been exploring materials and their absorbency. In computing, we have been photographers. We have been taking pictures of ourselves on Chrome Books and editing them. We have also looked at what devices we can take...

Turquoise History

written by Lilith Ross (Y5) and Molly Avery (Y6): During our history topic, we looked at old admissions registers that told us who came to this very school during World War 2. Some of them are evacuees. The folder was a primary source (something that was there at the...

Royal Class Learning

This term in royal class has been super busy and we’ve learned so much already!This year in English, we have been learning about planet Omar.It has been very interesting and it inspires us to read more books.It is about a boy called Omar and his Muslim family. we have...

Sky Class get creative

In English, this week we have been focusing on characters emotions from the book Goodnight Mr Tom. We created freeze frames to show how Willie, Tom, Mrs Hartridge and The Vicar felt when they heard the announcement of the beginning of WWII over the wireless. In...

Cobalt – Yr 5/6 learning

This new term in Cobalt has been really fun. We have started learning so much already from World War 2 to RE to lots of maths work! We have only been here for more than 2 weeks but it feels like 5! Maths In maths the year 6s have been learning BIDMAS which stands for...

Sky Class Learning

Here is sky class out in history looking at timelines and sketching in art. In art we learnt how to draw body proportions accurately. First we watched a step by step video on how to draw  the basic sketch of the body. Afterwards we got out the mannequins and practiced...

Nursery refurbishment

Nursery has been completely refurbished over the last few weeks with very grateful thanks to the PTA for providing a large amount of the funding.  We are all loving the new look.

Yr 3 and 4 Royal Class

Well, it has been a really fun term here in Royal class and we have learned so much! In English, it has been really exciting because we have learned about pugs of the frozen North. We have been writing poems, and we have been acting out scenes with groups about the...

Sapphire’s learning this term

Sapphire’s learning this term. DT We have been learning about how to bake bread and different breads of the world. We started off thinking about all the breads we had heard of, and we knew a lot! Most of us had tried different breads and could say where in the world...

Nursery out in the community

Nursery were learning about remembrance this week.  As part of their activities they visited the Church, war memorial and Market House undercroft to look at all the poppy displays. We have been taking part in an Autumn Maths Challenge.  We have spent lots of time...

NSPCC speak out stay safe

On Wednesday before half term all the children at school participated in the NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe programme. Our children in Nursery and Reception were introduced to Pantosaurus . The children learnt about how their underwear covers up your private parts and no...

Year 3 and 4 Artists

Art in Y3/4 In the autumn term, Y3/4 studied the work of Jan Pienkowski who is most famous for illustrating the wonderful Meg and Mog books. We also looked at some of his other amazing works for the books The River of Stories, A Necklace of Raindrops and The Fairy...

Royal class update

We have all settled in really well in Royal class and are having so much fun! The most fun subject so far is computing; in computing we have been doing an animation about the Viking raid routes (The Danish Vikings travelled from Denmark to southeast of England). In PE...

Royal class – bringing learning to life

We can’t believe that it’s almost the end of our time in Royal class. We have had such an amazing time! Some of us on the beginning in September were nervous because we didn’t know many people. Through the year we became confident with each other and made friends. In...

Reception’s trip to Cosgrove Farm

Reception’s Trip to Copsgrove Farm Reception had a fabulous day at Copsgrove Farm in Bisley. First we travelled on the coach and got stuck on Brimscombe Hill. Eventually, we arrived in Bisley and were met by Kate who warned us against the Gangsta Grannies that drive...

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