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Sapphire Class Year 3 and 4

Sapphire Class Year 3 and 4 Science We are learning about the human skeleton this term. We started the unit by having to recreate a human skeleton by trying to place all the bones in the correct places. It took most groups a couple of goes to get it right. On one of...

Turquoise Yr5/6 and Eco Fashion

Last week the children of year 5 and 6 put on a sustainable fashion show, capping off their learning in geography about the global garment industry. Here is a video showing a few of the outfits and some of the learning reflections from Turquoise class:   And here are...

Cobalt are Fashion Forward

In Year 5/6 this week we have been learning about clothes and the fashion industry, in particular about fast fashion and about how the fashion industry isn’t environmentally sustainable.  We have been making new garments from old clothes that have been donated...

Reception class news

Mrs Saeed’s class acted out the Easter story starting with Palm Sunday, The Last Supper, Good Friday and The Resurrection. We set up an Easter Garden in the classroom which was magical. We learnt about all the different types of animals that hatch from eggs and made...

Royal Class News

So much has happened since our last newsletter entry! It has been busy, but fun! In English, we have written acrostic poems about different types of birds like robins and wagtail. Our new book we have been learning about is a mystery at the moment but we’ve looked at...

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