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Sapphire Superstars!

English We have spent this term reading a book called Libba. It’s all about a musician from America who taught herself to play a guitar. She was left-handed so it was much harder for her. She grew up in America when segregation still existed and she had to fight...

Royal Class Yr 3 and 4

We have had another very busy few weeks in Royal class In English we are learning about Elizabeth Cotten, a girl that loves playing the guitar .She plays the guitar upside down because she’s left-handed. Elizabeth stopped playing the guitar because she had a child...

Reception Midnight and Teal are mathematicians and artists.

We have been enjoying the sunshine this week and having our picnic snack in the orchard. We have become sunflower detectives and have been busy planting and painting sunflowers. We had to work out whether we had enough pots and seeds to plant our sunflowers. We used...

Yr 5 and 6 learn about Eco-football

Our visit from F.G.R. A bit about Forest green rovers: The day the Forest green rovers  representative came to Minch was an amazing day. We learnt all about the green club that had become the revolution of sports clubs all over the world. They are the first eco club...

Year 3 and 4 Residential and D.T

In DT we had to design and build a structure that would survive a flood.  We used saws and glue guns to cut and stick our materials together.  All of the groups had to work as a team,  Before we sawed and cut and glued we had to measure our materials to make sure our...

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