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Rules for Debating Competitions:

Team Format

  1. Up to 4 Teams per debate – 4 students on each team (3 in debate and 1 in audience)
  2. Chairperson
  3. Minimum of 2 judges

The Process 

  • Introduction of the teams and judges
  • Each team can ask one question of any the other teams. This can be done either after speaker 1 or speaker 2.
  • 1st Speaker on each team (2 minutes)
    • Bell will sound after the first 1.5 minutes
    • Only opposing teams may ask a question after the first speaker.
    • Questions can be addressed immediately by the speaker or refer the point to be answered after if they wish.
  • 2nd Speaker on each team (2 minutes)
    • Bell will sound after the first 1.5 minutes
    • Only opposing teams may ask a question after the 2nd speaker.
    • Questions can be addressed immediately by the speaker or refer the point to be answered after if they wish.
  • Questions from the audience
    • Questions will be invited by the chair from the audience for each team in turn.
    • Each team will receive a maximum of 2 questions
    • These questions will be answered as part of the team summary.
  • Judges’ Questions
    • The judges will ask the teams 1 question each
    • These questions will be answered as part of the team summary.
    • There will be a 5 minute break in order for the teams to prepare their summation and answer the questions posed as well as any remaining questions which they haven’t addressed. (4th member may join the team for this 5 minute section)
  • Summary Speaker on each team (3 minutes)
    • This is an uninterrupted summation with no questions allowed at any point.
  • Judges give verbal feedback to the teams
  • Judges retire and decide on the winning team
  • Audience vote on debate while judges are deliberating
  • Judges return, sum up strengths and weaknesses of all teams and give their final verdict on the debate.

Debating Competition – December ’21

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