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We can’t believe that it’s almost the end of our time in Royal class. We have had such an amazing time! Some of us on the beginning in September were nervous because we didn’t know many people. Through the year we became confident with each other and made friends.

In maths at the moment we are translating and moving shapes and plotting coordinates. In some lessons we’ve finished so quickly we started the next days maths!

In English we are writing rotten Romans play scripts which we’re going to act and film in the next two weeks.

For Our class story we have been reading Edward Tulane. It’s a good book but quite sad at times. We’re all really enjoying it

For Topic we went on a trip to Gloucester and had a tour of the Eastgate  Chamber, the town and the museum. In class we have been finding out about How the Romans came to Britain and the 3 invasions by Caesar and Claudius.

In Computing we are learning about how to make a movie for our Rotten Roman TV episodes using MovieMaker. It’s so much fun! We dressed up and made little films where something disappears and reappears by cutting two clips together.

In Physical Education we are doing rounders with Mr T. Additionally we are doing tutting (sometimes) which is dancing with your arms.

In Art We have finished our final piece of Alma Thomas art. It was fun to do this with the class.

For RE we had a trip to the mosque in Gloucester. we met the imam , learned about wudu (washing), about prayer and the 5 pillars of Islam.

In assembly we have been learning about compassion with Mr Moss.

In science we have been learning about muscles and how they work. We also learned about the digestive system. We had to do this with a really gross experiment where we have to crush crackers ,banana and mix them up with orange juice and water. When we were done we had to pour the mixture into cut up tights. Then when we we poured the mixture into the tights we had to squeeze the mixture out onto a plate and that represents going to the toilet.

In the previous terms we have also done more experiments like the rotten apple contest which was hard because you have to choose your own thing to dip it in the options were salt, sugar, icing sugar and dishwasher crystals.

We have also made Roman shields as you may have heard in this newsletter all ready.  In the past we have made weather veins and we had to measure rainfall and measure on the play ground. In Royal class everyone gets along with each other and has fun together.

By Rafel, Frank and Jack


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