Teal play with Toys!
The Year 1 children in Teal Class have been looking at toys and games of the past. We have discussed key questions: How have toys changed over time? What are the similarities and differences between toys in the past and the present? Why do people play with toys? Which toy is new/old? What are toys made of? We have decided that toys have changed over time, that some toys are timeless and your grandparents may have played with the same toys that you play with now i.e. dominos, that toys can be made from lots of different materials and that toys change with time and fashion.
Next week, Year 1 pupils are going to teach the Reception pupils what they have learned about the old toys, as well as completing an observational drawing of a toy!
History – What has happened in the past
Timeline – Order of time
Past – Already happened
Present – Happening now
Future – Will happen
Change – Does not stay the same
Sources- Pieces of evidence
Meanwhile, Reception have been writing sentences and drawing pictures of sports day! They absolutely loved the day and they all participated fully. Having a picnic on the school field was a bonus for many of them!