We have all settled in really well in Royal class and are having so much fun! The most fun subject so far is computing; in computing we have been doing an animation about the Viking raid routes (The Danish Vikings travelled from Denmark to southeast of England).
In PE we have been doing it indoors with Miss Witt and we are doing balances, we have been doing patch balances and point balances.
We also do outdoor PE with Mr T. In outdoor PE we practice are agility and speed with lots of different types of fun games which include agility and speed to.
We also do art with Miss Tonner and in art we are doing silhouettes. We practices are cuting and drawing skills. We love Jan Pienkowski’s art – it is very beautiful!
In music we have been singing the song three little birds by Bob Marley. It’s a great song and the lyrics are inspiring! It has been fun singing with the new Royal class and with Mrs Playne.
We have been doing class reflection assembly with Mr. Ricketts and in reflection assembly we have been learning about how things connect us to ourselves, others and beyond us. We think about how are learning changes us.
Just before break time we do maths and in maths we have been doing mental addition and challenging questions sometimes trip us up but we still try our best to do what we can.
In French, we have been describing body parts. Here are some examples of what we have been doing from our folders:
il est Canadian-he is Canadian
Elle a les cheveux langs-she has long hair
Just after break, we’ve been doing group reading and practising becoming more fluent as readers. each Wednesday we answer questions about the text we’ve been learning to read. It is fun to practise the chapter.
Last week we celebrated the harvest festival. All of us brought in lots of food in cans and we will donate it to charity. We also came into school in yellow and we bought in £2 to raise awareness for mental health and for the people who need it.
In English we have been doing diary entries,letters,story maps and poetry all about Arthur and the golden rope. We are very proud of our writing and we all feel good that we’re improving.
In history we have been learning about the Vikings. Here is some information about the Vikings:
When Vikings were at their homes they were peaceful farmers but when they were invading other countries, they were very violent and would have no mercy. The Vikings raided other countries because they wanted: jewels,pottery,spices, silver slaves, glass. Learning about them makes us feel connected to people from the past.
In science this term we have been writing up our experiments from what we’ve been doing. In the experiments we have been Testing how far the car can travel. We have done two experiments. The first one of the experiments was the car going down the ramp and seeing which surface was the fastest for the car travel on. The second was about the different ramp heights. We thought about friction and gravity and how they change the cars distances.
By Isaac and Orla.