Year 2 have been learning about the importance of our commons for conservation. We had a fabulous day of artwork with Gemma Sampson where she told us all about the important rare blue butterflies and skylarks that we have here. We learned how clever nature is in protecting the life cycles of these animals and we made collages inspired by them – you may have seen them a couple of weeks ago in the newsletter.
Gemma also told us about how cow pats are very important for the ecosystem on our commons. They sustain so much life and aid the life cycles of lots of minibeasts.
In outdoor learning we picked up our magnifying glasses and went on a hunt for some cow pats. We didn’t need to go far! There were wet ones and dry ones all over the common. We found worms, eggs, beetles, flies, flower stems, grass and ants in the cow pats. We made sure we wore gloves and washed our hands thoroughly when we went back to school.
I’m very impressed Azure Class! We’ll done for taking your learning in the classroom and exploring it further out on the common!