This term in royal class has been super busy and we’ve learned so much already!This year in English, we have been learning about planet Omar.It has been very interesting and it inspires us to read more books.It is about a boy called Omar and his Muslim family. we have had to write diary entries and letters to people.Omar has a friend called Charlie. They both get bullied by a guy called Daniel. The next door neighbour Miss Rogers is very rude. She slammed the door in their faces and didn’t take the biryani and adult chocolate she said they were trying to poison her.
At the moment we are reading the firework makers’s daughter. it is about a girl who wants to be a proper firework maker but to be one she needs the Royal salver from the fire friend Razvani. She climbs to the top of a volcano and loses and loses both of her sandals on a rock slide.
In Geography, we’re learning about rivers. A waterfall is a point in a river or stream the water flows over a vertical drop.Meanders are the loops and curves of a slow-moving river.They are formed by erosion and occur when a river has worn away its banks.An oxbow lake is a u-shaped lake/pool that forms when a wide meander is cut off from the river. It creates a free standing body of water. A confluence is where two or more flowing bodies of water join together to form a single channel. Precipitation is where it rains,hails,sleets,or snow. A source is where a river begins eg mountains/springs. Tributaries are a freshwater stream that feeds into a river. A estuary is where rivers and streams meet the sea. A delta is a wide muddy/sandy area where the river meets the sea. The mouth of a river is where the river flows into a large body of water.
This year in art we’re learning about Seven Wiltshire.Some people call him the human camera because he could look at a city and draw it without looking at the city again.In school,he didn’t speak but he drew pictures to describe his feelings.He sold his first piece of artwork when he was about 7 years old. He sold it if for a couple of hundred pounds! Did you know? Steven Wiltshire is British and he is autistic.
We have been swimming at Stratford Park in Stroud. there are three stages one which is the highest two, which is middl and three, which is the lowest. The pool is 25 meters. In stage one you swim 25 meters stage two you swim 20 metres and in three they swim 5 meters.
In dance,we’re making dances for the year 3/4 production which we will mention later on.there are three groups.Evil,good and just crazy.
In science,where learning about electricity and electrical safety.In the last science lesson,we made electrical circuits and in are science books we writ if we thought if it would work or not work.we had to follow a card on our table.There where 10 cards and if you wanted to Mr Ricketts said that we at least needed to do 3 cards but could investigate more if we wanted.
In computing this term we’ve been making videos of us making rings different and making things disappear.all of this isin the run up to making weather reports for Mr Ricketts’s Padlet page so we can look at them and watch them.
In maths this term we have been learning column audition,column subtraction and column multiplication.
In R.E. We’ve been learning about the holy trinity.They are ;the father,the son and the Holy Spirit.
In the year 3/4 production, we’re doing the Jungle Book.It is very funny and I’m sure you will laugh.
In PSHE we’re leaning about alcohol and cigarettes.We had to put statements into groups.EG;both,alcohol.
By Lenni and Freddie