This new term in Cobalt has been really fun. We have started learning so much already from World War 2 to RE to lots of maths work! We have only been here for more than 2 weeks but it feels like 5!
In maths the year 6s have been learning BIDMAS which stands for brackets, indices, divide, multiply, addition and subtraction. It has been hard but we all got it in the end! For the year 5s they have been learning about prime numbers, multiples, squared and cubed numbers. They found it tough at the start but by the end they are all stars at it! Later on the year 6s were learning fractions but adding and taking away improper and proper fractions and the year 5s moved to written strategies with division.
We all love the topic this term. We are looking at World War 2 – through english, art and reading. We’ve been looking at Neville Chamberlain and when he announced WW2, Adolf Hitler and how it all started. Learning this is really interesting and exciting.
We’ve been looking at two artists and they both sketched and took photos of people in World War Two- Henry Moore and Bill Brandt (photographer). To practise our sketching skills, we had mannequin figures to help guide us and the result of our sketches came out very nice!
RE has been looking at the Christian Genesis story, how god created the world, but then we looked at past work from Science, when we learned about evolution and inheritance and we discussed whether things were complementary or conflicting and if the genesis story was true or not. We had a look at the scientific explanation for ‘‘the Big Bang’’ and roleplayed the big bang and all the parts.
The class story is Goodnight Mister Tom which is all about a young boy called William who gets evacuated to the countryside and stays with a elderly man called Tom. We made our own postcards, luggage labels and poems about it. It’s an exciting story which is making us wonder what will happen next?
In science we have been learning about the solar system. We made information posters and learnt about all the planets and what order they go in. We used the chromebooks to look at facts for our information poster including whether a planet is rocky or gassy or icy.
Overall, the start of this Spring term has started really well for year 5/6. Lots of learning and lots of fun! We are looking forward to what is yet to come!
By Emily Bruhl and Heidi Alden Hunt