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Well, it has been a really fun term here in Royal class and we have learned so much!

In English, it has been really exciting because we have learned about pugs of the frozen North. We have been writing poems, and we have been acting out scenes with groups about the story. our teacher has been reading a bit of the book every English lesson. The book pugs of the frozen North makes us want to read more and more books.

In history we have been learning about the Vikings we have have learned a lot of things about them like they were invaders and they took people to be slaves. You learn that they came from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. It has been really interesting learning about Vikings. we have written lots of fact sheets about them and have had lots of fun.

In PE, we have done indoor and outdoor, outdoor pe we have been doing a lot of hockey. In indoor PE  we have been pretending to be machines working in factories and the machines breaking down. It’s been fun because we have been getting lots of fresh air and been working in groups.

In DT, we have been learning about bread and how to make it we wrote the recipes down on a piece of paper so we could copy them and make bread. then the week after we copied our recipes and made bread in groups of six. It has been really interesting because we have been given the experience of working with other teachers making bread.

Our teacher teaches computing throughout the school in key stage two And he made all of us like computing. we have been learning about debugging scratch programs and making our own scratch games. Some of the bugs are called, off by one bug, performance bug, multi thread bug and more. computing has been so fun, we can’t wait to learn more! 

Science has been really fascinating We have been learning about pitch ,volume and sound. we have recently done an experiment with the ear defenders and how we can change the original foam inside of the ear defender. Everybody is fascinated and curious about science and how we can learn more. For our recent experiment, we had, loads of instruments to see how high the pitches or how low the pitches were. 

RE, we have been learning about Hindus and their different religion to us. Hindu have different ways of living to us. we have been learning about the Hindu gods. Brahman the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer, Lakshmi, Ganesh, Hanuman. It has been really interesting learning about another religion. In maths, we have been learning about different times tables we have been learning about the, three times tables the four the six times tables the seven times tables the eights and nines. recently we have been doing 3-D shapes like trapeziums, parallelograms, kites, rhombuses, scalene triangles, isosceles triangles and quadrilateral triangles. 3-D shapes has been really fun and quite easy, but times tables has been challenging but we can do anything as long as we try.

in the mornings we get out our books and read after that it is assembly times and we listen very well and we don’t interrupt they are all about compassion and showing respect to our planet and being curious and appreciative after assembly, we have spellings and maths then we have break time. after break we have English And then lunch, after lunch we have history or science or music and PE or DT. then we get ready for home and then read a class story that is Varjack Paw and then go home,and tell our parents about our day.

We are really excited about our Christmas break and also really excited about coming back to school and learning !!!

By Effie and Penelope


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