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Sapphire’s learning this term.
We have been learning about how to bake bread and different breads of the world. We started off thinking about all the breads we had heard of, and we knew a lot! Most of us had tried different breads and could say where in the world they were from. We got the chance to learn about how bread is made right from the seeds being planted to the bakeries receiving the flour to make the different breads. We looked at breads of the world and learnt of some new ones like lavash from Armenia, obi non from Afghanistan and Pão de queijo (cheese bread) from Brazil. One of our favourite things to do was try different breads and rate them. Most of us loved the garlic naan, flatbread and fruit bread. The least popular we tried was the rye bread; most of us couldn’t finish the tiny piece we were given to try! The best part of this unit was the baking day. We worked in groups to choose a recipe and then we baked. Tiger bread was popular – all groups apart from one went for that option. The other group chose damper bread. Tiger bread was a tricky recipe to follow as it had a lot of steps to do, but we all persevered and ended up with our own mini loaf/roll to take home to try. The group who chose to bake damper bread had a more straightforward recipe and were quite quick at making their dough. We really enjoyed the day and hope we get to do more baking this year.
We have been learning about sound. We’ve looked at how sound is made and how it travels. We’ve also learnt about what pitch is and how we can change the pitch in different instruments. We liked investigating how we could ‘see’ sound by watching the vibrations in different situations. We hit a tuning fork on the table and quickly put it into the bowl of water and when we did the water sprayed out because the vibrations made the water move. We looked at how the water bottles made different sounds because there were different levels of water in them and therefore different amounts of air too.
Vikings has been our topic for the term. We’ve learnt about why they raided the countries they invaded, where they invaded and how they settled in the U.K. we drew invasion maps to show which areas of the U.K the Vikings from Denmark, Norway and Sweden went to. We were surprised to see how far the Vikings travelled and that they were not always as violent as some books make them out to be. The Viking myths have been great to read as we have been able to link them to our English lessons and our class story.
English – Pugs of the Frozen North.
We have been reading a book that is all bout 66 crazy pugs who help 2 children compete in a race to the Frozen North so that they can get their ultimate wish granted. We have done so much with this book – poems, diaries, character descriptions, setting descriptions, drama and so much more. One of our favourite things to do was invent our own snow! We came up with Viking snow (which invades any town it settles in), chocolate snow (tastes like chocolate when it melts on your tongue), piglet snow (forms little piglets and oinks when it lands) and loads of others.
Lots of us are learning new times tables in maths. The Y3s had to learn the x3, x4 and x8 and the Y4s had to learn x6, x7 and x9. We do lots of lots of practice each maths lesson so we can be more confident with using them. We have had to learn how to divide with the times tables. We had to show our learning using bar models and numicon.

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