Report from Cyan class Yr 3/4
What a busy start to the term! Year 4 have begun their rehearsals for our production with great enthusiasm – lots of groups can be found rehearsing in classrooms at lunchtimes already.
In geography we have been making weather stations. These include a wind speed indicator, a wind vane and a rain gauge. The children had to work carefully in groups to make these items which will now be put to good use over the next 4 weeks as we monitor the weather.
For art we are going to be studying the work of Jackie Morris and her beautiful drawings of animals, which will tie in with our science topic of Living things and their habitats. With that in mind we are spending a lot of Friday on the school playing field carrying out surveys of trees, hedge rows along with some ground surveys. We just have to hope that the weather is kind to us.
It’s going to be a jam packed 4 weeks.