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We can’t believe our first term in Royal Class is already over! It’s been really fun and we laugh a lot.  We’ve been learning about how to make our memories work better and trying to be really neat with our writing.

In English we have been taught about The Ancient Egyptians by reading Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx. We have written fact pages about the Egyptian gods and an explanation of how mummification is done.

In Science we have been Mummifying apples. Right now, our control Apple is very Firm still and probably looks the best. The soda crystals apple is brown and very squishy and wrinkly. The salt apple is doing the best on the condition of the flesh but the skin is very wrinkly.

In PE we have been doing hand ball and for a warmup, we did chaos tag. In the indoor PE, we have been doing gymnastics and have been going on the mats, benches and apparatus to do different balances and travels.  We can now do forward rolls with a beanbag between our knees without dropping it!

In Maths we have been learning different ways to add in our heads (mental addition) and have done things like rounding and compensating. We have now switched to mental subtraction.  We’re starting to feel more confident.

In Computing, we have been making addition games using algorithms and turning them into times table games by changing our algorithms.  It is fun but very complicated!

In story time we have been reading The Land of Roar – a very exciting book.  We really liked the world of Roar that the children made from their imaginations. Now, we are reading Secrets of a Sun King. It is about a girl called Lil who finds a jar from Ancient Egypt.  The book is very interesting so far.

In Art we have been sketching like Howard Carter. We drew small, medium and large scarabs and many other artefacts. We are very proud of our work!

In French we have been learning how to say foods and have learned about numbers and days and months. We are doing very well and enjoy Madame Chard’s games!

In Topic the class did an archaeological dig and found broken pottery and found some old Egyptian artefacts like Howard Carter dug up from Tutankhamun’s Tomb and drew them. We also wrote our own versions of Howard Carter’s diary and learned about primary and secondary sources.  Finally we have made a map of Tutankhamun’s tomb.  It was very interesting.

In PSHE we’ve decided which messages were ok and not ok. We also did acting like machines.  There were groups of 6 that got a piece of paper and acted out what it was as a human machine. The other groups said what they thought it was. It made us think about being kind and working as a team.

We can’t wait for next term!

By Olivia and Monty

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