This term we have been very busy in Royal class!
We are doing The pebble in my pocket in English where we described a pebble and made a poem about it. We are learning lots about how the Earth was made.
In maths are learning about numbers with decimal places and doing things like rounding, comparing and ordering decimals.
In art we are leaning about Banksy and he does spray paint and stencilling. We have been learning to use these techniques ourselves.
in science we are learning about different types of rocks like igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. Today we are going to make a chocolate rock cycle. We’re also making a rock cycle poster to teach other people about it.
In topic we are learning about how plastic pollutes the Earth. We have learned lots of facts like how 8 million tons of plastic gets dumped into the ocean every year and the different types of plastic that there are (there are 8 kinds!).
In computing we are learning about sending emails correctly and doing it safely and politely. We have been doing MTC practice and emailing our Times tables scores to our teacher to check your times tables.
in music we are learning how to play the violin and we got to use mini violins. Our teacher is called Ollie and he’s really nice and he showed us some cool music pieces. In French we sang Alouette which is a song about skylarks in French.
We slept for two days at Viney Hill in the first week back and had so much fun doing exciting activities like climbing and tunnelling. In our free time we played football on the big field by the tents.
By Byron and Alfie