We have come to the end of another busy term here in Royal class and have had lots of fun!
In English we have done poetry on the Werewolf Club Rules by Joseph Coelho. We have annotated quite a few of his poems, we have written some of own versions based on his poems Miss Flotsom and I am a writer.
In Maths we have been doing fractions and we have drawn them as bar models and have compared them and put them in the right order which some people don’t do correctly because they don’t read the instruction carefully. We’ve got the hang of it now though!
In Science we have been looking at shadows and have been looking at craters on the moon and have made clay models of them and shining torches to get the shadows as accurate as possible by copying the crater. Then we labelled the crater (Plato) and mount Pico. We had boxes on our tables and put some stationary inside our boxes and swapped them with a different table. Then poked holes with sharp pencils and shined a torch in one of the holes and looked through another to see if we could see any of the stationary. We studied what happened when more holes were added too.
In P.E. we have been doing some volleyball but found it hard because it was very cold! The second time was a bit better because we did the new way (with both hands and it wasn’t so cold. We also got some apparatus out for gymnastics – when Mr Ricketts said a number we had to do a balance that had that number of points and sometimes we would have to move according to the music we could hear. We also did some of our dances for the production.
In French we have been learning how to say family members, it was a bit hard at first but then it got easier. At the moment we are learning how to introduce our family members.
In Reading most of us are free readers now because we have come very far in our reading this year. We have all improved immensely compared to the start of this year. We have also been doing guided reading which is quite fun and it is a bit of a challenge but that’s how we like it!
In R.E. this week we have gone to the church, and learnt about the trinity-which is three in one- a tri unity. We also learned about John the Baptist who baptised Jesus. We also did a little thing were some of us were parents and others were godparents and the parents had a doll. Then we went to the font and the baby got some water on her head from the font which meant she was baptised.
We’re doing our production (Ye-Ha) which is really exiting for all of us and everything is going well! Mr Ricketts said we have a great cast which seems quite outstanding. The production is very good and particularly funny which makes it the perfect production.
In topic we have been making a graph of the river Severn’s highest levels from the years 2013 to 2022. The highest river level was 5.68 and the lowest was 0.634. It was quite fun making the chart. We used pencils and pens to write the river levels on our coloured lolly sticks. A few days later we researched these floods and stuck pictures down on the same coloured paper with the date on. We attached the news articles and added them to the graph which looks really cool. It’s good to see the information come to life in real history.
By Edward and Ava