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Practising for the gymnastics competition
On Monday and Friday break, I go down to the hall to practise floor and vault. I find vault really easy because you just jump over it with the trampoline. When the stage goes up for the Y3/4 show, we are going to have to use the spring board which I am not looking forward to. At the competition I am going to do straddle over box widthways.
For floor we practise on about 4 mats each. When I do my routine I find it kind of hard because some people went onto my mat and sometimes I ran out of energy. With my routine I get very tired because it takes up a lot of my energy. My routine is: running, round off, side gallops, double cartwheel, grapevine, front walkover, side steps, handstand, forward roll, skipping, one armed cartwheel, splits and finally tip walking.
Sports Afternoon
Yesterday we got a sports afternoon with Mr T and we got to play handball and football. In handball we won 5-3. I scored one, Cam scored three and Dylan scored one. In football we won 10-2 and 5-4 and I scored the winning goal.
We are doing gymnastics in PE and are doing routines based on World War 2. My partner and I are doing a great routine – we start by sliding down the ropes for our starting position.
On Monday we paired up to go on the apparatus. Chloe and I paired up in the first week and did a sequence. We travelled on the climbing frame for our starting position. The next week I was with Ruby. We had to do a sequence based on World War 2. We went on the ladder swing to represent the train coming back and forth. The bit I most enjoyed with Chloe and Ruby was probably all of the jumping onto the table vaults with the trampoline, I had to jump on first.
Before starting gymnastics, we were doing African dance. We danced to the music and when it changed we went to our group and choreographed little dances. Every time the music changed we went to our partner and did our dance.