A (Fri)day in the life of Cyan
It was Christmas Jumper day on Friday and we all came into school wearing our most Christmassy clothes.
We started the day with maths. We are learning our times tables at the moment and today we did the 9 times table. We have been practicing our 6, 8, 4 and 9 times tables. We have loved the songs and fortune tellers as they make learning the times tables more fun. Today we drew pictures to show the 9 times tables in different ways.
Next we had a science lesson. We are learning about sound and have done lots of experiments with tuning forks and drums and guitars. We made our own panpipes and a class model of the human ear. We have learned that sound travels in waves and you can’t hear anything in space because there’s no air. The human ear is made up of the auditory canal, the eardrum, the cochlea and the auditory nerve.
After lunch we had PE and we had to practice our dance. We played warm up games in the hall then practiced our dance in our classroom. We have all been learning a dance to Taylor Swift’s Shake It Off. Some of us know all the moves but not everyone.