School newsletter
School captain edition
As we came back to school the school captain jobs were brought back into the curriculum. If you didn’t know, the school captains help around the school. They could show a visitor around, read a book to a younger child or clean and tidy a room. These are some of the other things that they have been doing to help pupils.
Lunch time pastoral care
This is when house captains will go round and will help younger children who need help with friendship problems and will play with them .This is also a job for peer-mediators. But can mainly be for house captains. This has made a huge impact on our younger children and how they behave. Another job of ours is litter picking. For example a member of our team will go round and pick up all the litter in our school grounds. This has had a silent impact on our pupils but a happy one as well. finally, for this section is monitoring. This is when we get to work with children who this is good for our pupils to get a good friendship. This has been so helpful and we all love this job.
Lunchtime indoor
During the time when pupils eat their lunch, the school captains have a couple of jobs to do. The first is when everyone enters the room they have to make sure no one runs and everyone is orderly. The second is to help out when people put their hands up and to reduce the amount of food thrown away. We also do boot management, library tidy and do jobs for the staff.
When it’s break or lunch school captains will sort the lost property, tidy mr tovey’s PE shed, tidy school areas-the hall and water garden eTC- turn lights off and manage waste paper.
All ongoing
This is a set of jobs that all school captains do all the time. The first one is in assembly, school captains come and sit by children who need to be encouraged to listen. This is one of the ok jobs that we do. the next job is newsletters this is what we do every 2 weeks . One of our fun jobs is to show visitors or parents around the school. This is a fun job for us because the child and parents get to know each other. we also like to speak at school events as this is a good profile for our school.
Thank you for reading this newsletter and have a wonderful day,
From Sophie Hayward, Amaya/Mimi Potten and Lula-Rose Indranie