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As usual, we have been very busy in Aqua Class this week. Here are some things that the children had to say about what they have been up to.

Jack – “I enjoyed the challenge in maths because I tried to solve it using cubes and in lots of different ways.”

Didi – “I loved painting this week. I painted some different fruits like strawberries and blueberries. I painted green circles using potatoes. Then I let it dry. The next day, I used black and red crayons to turn the green circles into evil peas!”
Daisy – “We have been doing a retell about the Supertato story. It is fun. I like doing the actions the most.”
Orla and Matilda – “We built a supermarket in our classroom. We have fruit and vegetables, chicken and eggs. We can buy stuff with money and we can write a shopping list.” Matilda likes to put carrots on her list.

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