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In Turquoise class  this week, we have been learning all about the rainforests and deforestation. Did you know that there were 400 million hectares of temperate forests before the year 1700 and hardly any now?.  It is interesting (and sad)  to find out how much the forests have decreased.  At the end of the questionnaire we researched, we were asked to draw a bar graph of how many trees were gained and lost around the world since 1995.  We have got some examples of bar charts, from Robin, Jennifer and Daisy Gilbert.


In science, we have been given a challenge to make a pinhole camera. We are going to have four attempts to take a photograph and hopefully get better each time we take one. We have to think about the composition of our photos too.  This week we have been trying to make our cameras light-tight.


In art our class have been doing collages of rainforest animals, inspired by Peter Clark.


PE! In our class everyone likes PE. We have been doing frisbee golf, tag rugby, ultimate frisbee and football. I really liked the frisbee golf (as you will see in the picture).

By Daisy Worboys and Jennifer.


We have also done a maths puzzle workshop with Mr Ede, a retired teacher who has been visiting most classes this term.  Arthur Messer: “We really liked doing them – they were not too easy but not too hard either and they could keep going forever with more than one solution.”

Finally, on Friday afternoon we had an amazing visit from Rob Drewett, his colleague Alex and Mrs Drewett.  They talked to us about making natural history films in rainforests all over the world: about the rainforests and the photography / camera work that went into the projects.  We watched some of their films and even got to see their roving RC camera in action on the field.

It has added something special to our science and geography work this term.  A huge thank you to them for coming to see us


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