Teal Class have been busy learning the story of ‘Goldilocks and The Three Bears’. We need to paint a picture of the main characters in this story. We have discussed other stories which include ‘the power of three’ such as ‘The Three Little Pigs’. During outdoor learning on Thursday afternoon, Year 1 acted out the story in groups of four and they then created a little something that could belong to baby bear using natural materials. Your creative children made little umbrellas, beds, spoons and games. As a class, we will start to make up our own ‘power of three’ story soon. I wonder what it will be about!
The reception children have been brilliant at learning their letter sounds in preparation for reading. Thank you parents for helping your children with this. Likewise, Miss Gittins has been asking them to find her a certain number of items from around the classroom and to show a number using their fingers and they have been super at this as well. I am very proud of the children in reception, they have come back to school with a good attitude for playing, learning and listening.
The children in Year 1 have been focussing on developing their knowledge of teen numbers. We say, ‘teens are mean because the one ten comes first’!
Well done Teal Class