What a week it has been.
We started off with Y3/4 Sports Day on Monday morning. We were lucky that the weather stayed dry and didn’t rain the event off. The first part of the morning involved us being put into teams. There were 10 in total and we had to compete against each other in 5 events. We had to race against each other on space hoppers; not as easy as we thought it would be. Jumping over hurdles was a challenge for some of us, but we persevered and got through to the end. The ‘egg’ and spoon race required a lot of concentration and focus; it wasn’t necessarily the speedy ones who did well as their ‘egg’ kept on falling off of the spoon. Hockey zig zag involved us weaving a hockey ball in and out of cones; quite tricky to control a ball at speed. The most popular race was the scarecrow relay. We had a collection of items that we had to put on the ‘scarecrow’. It was so funny to see how awkward it became as the items increased.
After all of that fun, some of us competed in the finals of the athletic events – sprints, long distance, throwing, long jump and high jump. We enjoyed being able to compete against our friends in these events. Some of our class did really well in the finals; we are proud of everyone’s achievements.
In English, we are currently making information booklets about plastic. We have planned to make a 8-10 page non-fiction booklet that will inform the reader about the dangers of plastics, how we need to be more aware of plastic alternatives, what the long term impact is and many more useful facts.
In Maths we are looking at measuring and converting measures. This week has been a focus on converting and measuring length in mm, cm and m. Some of us have found the converting tricky, but we know we will get it in the end as long as we keep on trying. We have also been working really hard on our skills cards; making sure we know our times tables facts.
Our final versions of the protest posters are almost done. This week we have stenciled the letters for our slogans. Next week we will be using our self-made image stencils to add detail. Some of the catchiest slogans are: Water not slaughter! Keep the sea plastic free! Plastic free does it for me!
On Thursday we had our final music lesson and got to do a mini performance to show what we had learned over the 10 weeks. It was a lot of fun learning how to play the trumpet; some of us want to carry on with music lessons next term.
Not long to go now until we finish the school year. So much to get done too!