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Indigo class were buzzing to start their bee topic! We have explored the following questions…

  • Why do we need bees?
  • Why are bees threatened? How bad is it? 
  • Are there alternatives to bees?
  • What can be done to protect bees?

In maths, we have been looking at data and how it has been presented. Sometimes we have examined a tally chart, sometimes a pictogram and sometimes a block diagram. The children have been excellent when trying to decipher what the data is telling them. It can be tricky stuff! 

The children are well underway with writing their own version of The Magic Box poem by Kit Wright. As you can imagine, they have been thoroughly creative, coming up with all sorts of strange, inventive and magical ideas! We will be writing our finished poems up in our best handwriting as soon as they are finished. I am immensely proud of them already! 

On the classroom wall is a display of the children’s Vincent Van Gogh inspired boat paintings! They have loved staring at their work this week! 

On Thursday afternoon Mrs Langston took Indigo Class outside to sketch the school grounds and on Monday afternoon we started using the apparatus in the hall! Apparently that was a lot of fun…     

Indigo Pupils

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