Azure Class have been busy drawing story maps for the story of The Lonely Beast. The children worked carefully and enthusiastically. They then used their story maps to help them write a diary as if they were the beast. In PSHE we talked about how to look after our local environment. The children came up with lots of great ideas and they then made posters to get their points across. They thought carefully about the slogans they should put on their posters. In science we have been learning a lot about plants. We have planted sunflower seeds, grown beans in jam jars and we performed an experiment to prove what plants need to grow. We were careful to make sure it was a fair test. In our indoor PE lessons we have enjoyed moving to the beat of the music and responding to the changes in the music. We have worked with partners and in small groups collaboratively. The children have also really enjoyed learning the recorder again this term and they can already play several short tunes proudly. What a busy time we are having!