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Long Term School Development Plan 2016-2019



1.    Continue the development of formative assessment across all teaching. School to lead on action research across DGAT schools as of January 2017.
2.   Explore all options, both in terms of teaching and management, for helping all pupils to reach their potential. School awarded  ‘Achievement for All’ mark-
3.  Develop our approach to the teaching of numeracy. In particular exploring growth mindsets through maths and through the use of formative assessment. School part of maths glow hub –www.glowmathshub. and developing practice in line with the work of Jo Bowler-
4.  Continue to develop Talk for Writing. The school will continue to work closely on Talk for writing, most notably on making the process more flexible for differing pupil needs.
5.   Develop a love of reading for all. The school will continue to explore innovative ways to encourage children to broaden and deepen their pleasure in reading. This to include ongoing work with our Patron of Reading, John Doherty-, including writing a book with John
6.  Develop teaching practices that encourage pupils to be become more autonomous learners – to include a focus on Philosophy for Children and/or Metacognition and more reflection around the core values. 
7.   Develop SEN provision: in line with the new code of practice and to ensure progress for SEN pupils in line with or exceeding the National Average. This to include ‘appreciating difference days’ and ongoing staff training. 
8.   Develop strong leadership at all levels across the school, including work with our Academy Development Partner and training from Impetus-

 Develop networking / professional development opportunities within and beyond the academy trust: this to improve teaching and develop leadership further.


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