In 2021 World Book Day, just like everything else, will be a little different. This year we’re celebrating the day with a little less razzmatazz than usual, with a plan to take part in a louder celebration later in the year! There will be several fun activities to take part in via your class Padlet, as well as events and resources to be found on the fantastic World book day site!
What’s on!
At home and in school check out the Masked Readers appearing on your class padlets… who are they…what books are they reading… can you guess them all?
What’s your favourite book?
Can you get creative to stage the book cover, or dress up as the book itself?
It can be as simple as you holding a peach, for James and the giant peach, or wearing a backpack for the Boy at the back of the class, or perhaps a cardboard nose for Pinocchio just use your imagination!
Take a photo and send it to your padlet, throughout March…How many of your classmates will guess your book?
We will then make a display in the library, so everyone can have a go at guessing the book titles!
Check out the World book day site, for lots of events and fun resources
Highlights include-
The unmissable Share A Story Live digital events – starting on Wednesday 3rd March.
Have a look at the exciting £1 books ‘Look Inside’ and decide which book you’d like to buy with your token!
Enjoy listening to a selection of free audiobooks, including the new Abi Elphinstone story, ‘Jungle drop’
Sign up to the new World Book Day Book Club and talk about books together, in school or at home.
Visit Share A Story Corner for a huge variety of video stories and fun downloadable activities to go with them (perfect for Reception and Years 1 & 2):
Have a look at the brand new, dedicated reading recommendations hub, covering a huge variety of topics and genres for all ages: