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Curriculum Exemplar

Curriculum Thread 5 : Eco-Activism  

Blog 2:  ECO-PROJECT:                          December 2020

The Eco-working party met on Wednesday evening. The group presently consists of parents, staff and governors but could broaden out in time. 

We are determined to remain focused in our approach and ensure that whatever we teach the children, curriculum-wise, in school about the environment is rooted in our own day to day practice first. 

We have chosen as our initial focus- ‘Paper,’ our aim to use, re-use and recycle paper in a more responsible manner as well as developing a curriculum unit about paper. 

We need to think this through as a staff first before we make any hard and fast commitments but from now we would be interested to hear from anyone in our school and wider community (via ) if you have any ideas/ comments about ‘paper.’

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