Curriculum Exemplar
Nurture October 2020
The school runs a Nurture group which looks to offer a range of opportunities for Year 1 pupils that they wouldn’t experience so readily in the classroom. It is especially designed to help them develop the social and emotional skills and the resilience to do well at school and in life.
Ultimately we believe education itself should be about self-empowerment for people, self-empowerment now and for a lifetime. We define education here in its most literal and fundamental sense of ‘e-ducere’ meaning ‘to bring out’ that which is in all of us.
We are all about the learning and constant ongoing development. We feel strongly that ‘to see the act of learning as something not for its own sake but because of what it will get you reduces the wonder of humanity. We are thinking, feeling, art-making, knowledge-hungry, marvellous animals, who understand ourselves and our world through the act of learning. It is an end in itself. It has far more to offer than the things it lets us write on application forms. It is a way to love living right now’ (Matt Haig).
The Six Principles Of Nurture
- Children’s learning is understood developmentally
- The classroom offers a safe base
- The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing
- Language is a vital means of communication
- All behaviour is communication
- The importance of transition in children’s lives
Ref: Lucas,S., Insley,K. and Buckland,G. (2006) Nurture Group Principles and Curriculum Guidelines Helping Children to Achieve, nurtureuk.
The group operates primarily outside, basing itself in the ‘Mindfulness Space’ but using all our grounds and facilities. The group focuses on outdoor learning and on social and emotional needs and gives the necessary help to remove any barriers to learning. There is a strong emphasis on language development and communication. Nothing is taken for granted and everything is explained, supported by role modelling and demonstration as appropriate. The relationship with staff, always nurturing and supportive, provides a role model for the children. Food is shared with many opportunities for social learning, helping children to attend to the needs of others, with time to listen and be listened to. It gives the children the chance to socially develop confidence, become responsive to others, learn self-respect and take pride in behaving well and in achieving. The children remain an active part of their main class group.