We decided it was time to clarify the school’s position on dogs in the playground. In the absence of any reminders in recent times, inevitably our position has become fuzzy.
Two simple rules to please abide by:-
1. All dogs please to be stay outside the perimeter fence
2. No dogs to be left unattended
In practical terms this will mean:
– if you are mid-dog walk and on your own, you will need to wait with the dog outside the school gate and your child will need to come to you.
– if you have a younger child, it will be difficult to also walk the dog at pick up/ drop off
I appreciate this will mean a change in habit for some. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I am sure everyone understands why we need to insist on this.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like.
Kind regards
Mr Moss
Head teacher