Tuesday 27th September 2016
- Welcome and members present: Naomi Williams, Alison Hodges, Victoria Stevens, Nick Moss, Tara Patterson, Suzie Drewett, Helen Jacobs, Paul Rowley, Charlotte Lodge, Lorraine Smith, Jon McGinty, Yvonne Heffernan, Emmie Rackham
- Apologies: Kathryn Danks, Rona Burnett
- Approval of minutes of the last meeting: minutes of the last meeting were approved and signed
- Actions from previous minutes:
- Class reps – to be moved to the next meeting
- MUGA – update provided by Sophie Muir. Couple of tweaks to original plan, order placed with Pentagon, total project cost is £31,776, work due to start on 7th November
- Domestic Science kitchen – update provided by Sophie Muir. Design plans now being reviewed, may need to call out to parents for anyone who is/knows kitchen fitters/electricians/plumbers
- Sports Kit – update provided by Sophie Muir. Kit is in and looks great. Photos of children wearing kit sent with thanks to The School House Trust
- Request for any other business (to be dealt with at the end of the meeting): after school club, book update
- Treasurer’s report and new expenditure requests
- Wood supplies for DT project – Alison Hodges to bring to next meeting. She will circulate to committee before next meeting if time sensitive
- Trips – cost of £6 per child (348 children), agreed £2,088
- Set up of new internet provider – PTA being asked to fund capital cost, not service contract. Move to next meeting when Nick Moss will provide more details
- Books – may request funding again in the future. Tara Patterson to find out more about available funding for improving libraries (Foyle Foundation)
- Update on future events
- Fireworks – update from Suzie Drewett and Jon McGinty. Request letters going out, discussed starting the event 30 mins later than usual to encourage more spending, fireworks purchased, alcohol licence sorted, Alison Hodges to drum up support from Year 6 helpers. Suggestion of guy making and burning – Nick Moss to consider. Further suggestion of tying in with village event in future, eg. scarecrow hunt. Plea to go on Facebook for BBQ, Bar, Bonfire and Glow Sticks Team Leaders [NB: Bar Team leaders now found – Sarah Clarke and Rona Burnett]. Emmie Rackham to speak to Neil Wood about rugby club helping
- Christmas Fair – update from Helen Jacobs, date is 3rd Dec, all in hand
- Christmas Cards – gone out in book bags, post on Facebook, Sarah Clark to come in to school on Mon/Tues lunchtime to help
- Any other business
- Chair needed – Helen Jacobs to chair next meeting
- Renewal of annual membership of Scrapstore – approved £1000
- Easyfundraising.co.uk – need to raise awareness, easy way to raise funds for PTA
- Spreadsheet of events – Emmie Rackham to check with Sophie Muir whether DJ booked for Valentine Disco and date for Breakfast with Santa. Consider whether musical soiree could be held outside. Get new parents signed up to Facebook
- Newsletter – to be redesigned, and produced every 3 weeks by Katie McEndricks. Next edition to be sent out as word doc and pdf by email on Friday 7th November. Suzie Drewett to give Katie some blurb re the fireworks
- School book project – update from Alison Hodges on project to produce book in conjunction with John Dougherty. Funding given by NADFAS so shouldn’t need to ask PTA for any. Will publish books and then launch on 10 June 2017 at the Market House. All children will be doing an illustration for the book and there will be an art exhibition of their work. For more info, see Alison’s blog on website
- After school club – discussion around whether the school should have an after school club in the hall and whether it is worth sacrificing the other clubs
Proposed date for next PTA meeting is Tuesday 1st November