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Year 3 and 4 Residential and D.T

In DT we had to design and build a structure that would survive a flood.  We used saws and glue guns to cut and stick our materials together.  All of the groups had to work as a team,  Before we sawed and cut and glued we had to measure our materials to make sure our...

Sapphire Class Year 3 and 4

Sapphire Class Year 3 and 4 Science We are learning about the human skeleton this term. We started the unit by having to recreate a human skeleton by trying to place all the bones in the correct places. It took most groups a couple of goes to get it right. On one of...

Turquoise Yr5/6 and Eco Fashion

Last week the children of year 5 and 6 put on a sustainable fashion show, capping off their learning in geography about the global garment industry. Here is a video showing a few of the outfits and some of the learning reflections from Turquoise class:  ...

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