Cursive writing

Reading in Reception is coming along well.  Mrs Saeed and Mrs Bugg are impressed with the progress the children are making and the effort that everyone is putting in to practising the letter sounds and reading the words at home.  We have almost learnt the alphabet sounds – just j,v,w,x,y,z and qu to go and inevitably some children are now ready to begin writing words, captions and sentences.

In school we use the cursive script for writing and the children will soon be taught how each letter is formed but, to get a head start, here is a video that shows you how we write each letter. Please be aware that we form x and z slightly differently in school to what you see in the video.


Outdoor Cooking

To celebrate the end of our reception year we did some cooking on the open fire. We toasted marshmallows, made and cooked bread and ate pancakes cooked on a skillet.


We had a great day and everyone ate the food. 

A big thank you to Rosa’s mummy, Ethan’s mummy and Alice. 

Growing in the garden

Last week we were very busy in the garden.
First we dug the vegetable beds and removed all of the weeds.
Then we raked the soil and made holes and trenches in the soil.
After that we planted the seeds in neat rows.
Next we covered each seed with soil.
Finally we watered the seeds.




We planted onions, snap peas, potatoes, carrots, garlic, shallots, beetroot, butternut squash and pumpkin. Let’s hope they all grow!!!
We have water monitors and weed monitors to look after the plants every day.