
This term our value is Truthfulness and we have been reading Tiddler by Julia Donaldson to demonstrate the importance of telling the truth.

We discussed some questions

What is true?

When you spill something and blame someone else that’s not true

True means it actually happened.

Why did no-one believe Tiddler when he was telling the truth?

Tiddler told too many fibs so that is why they didn’t believe him.

He always told fibs so they didn’t believe him.

Spring is in the Air

This afternoon we explored the school grounds looking for signs of Spring.  We found some lovely colourful flowers; daffodils, crocuses, primroses, celendine and one solitary snowflake in the middle of the field.



When we visited the pond we were amazed by all of the frogs and frogspawn we saw.



Today we started Letters and Sounds and learnt the sound ‘s’. We found lots of things around the classroom beginning with the phoneme ‘s’.

We found Sammy the spotty snake,  a silky, smooth, scarf, scissors, a pair of smelly stripy socks and a seal.

We painted snakes and thought of words to describe the snakes.

Here are some of the words we came up with

slithering, slipping, sliding, slow, sparkly, stripy, spotty, superhero, smelly, spiral, slimy, salty, sea, smooth, soft, sweet,

What things can you find at home that begin with ‘s’?