Phonics Day 2

Guess which phoneme we were learning today?

Yes, today we learnt ‘a’. In our talk partners we thought of as many animals as we could that began with ‘a’. We came up with armadillo, anteater, antelope, alpaca, and we substituted bull, cat and rat in our Little Red Hen story with albatross, ant and alligator.

Can you think of any other animals beginning with ‘a’?

Add your ideas and comments below. 


I can see apples high up in the tree

Juicy and red they look lovely to me

Come let’s eat apples 1234

Shake the tree shake the tree

I want some more

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Today we went searching for apples and found some at the front of the school.  We sang the song and shook the tree until 10 apples fell down. We then went back into class and ate one of the apples. We worked out that the apple needed to cut into 23 pieces for all of us to have a taste. The apple was juicy, sweet and crunchy.  Yum yum!