The Christmas Hamper

Our Christmas production is fast approaching. In book bags tonight is a request for outfits for the play. If possible we would like all of the children in party clothes and a Santa hat if you have one. If the outfits could be brought into school in a named carrier bag on Friday this week we would be very grateful.

This Week

What a busy time we have been having in Aqua class already this week.

Yesterday was our KS1 trip to Roses Theatre, Tewkesbury where we watched Jack and the Beanstalk. It was a fantastic performance with lots of bright shiny costumes and the Giant was amazing. The children were extremely well behaved and although it was a long day, only a few were asleep on coach on the way home.

“I liked the Giant because he was very big” – Alisha

“The Giant did a handstand flip over. It was very funny” – Reuben

“My favourite part was when Jack climbed up the beanstalk” – Alice

“The Giant roared really loud so I covered my ears” – Cicely

“I was a little bit tired when I was watching the panto but I didn’t go to sleep!” – Cerys

Today we were lucky to have a visit from the children at the Coigne. First we retold them the Three Little Pigs story that we have been learning. Then we all played in the classroom or outside in our play area and finally we finished with a story.

This afternoon we practised our Christmas production in the hall and went up onto the stage for the very first time. We still have much practising to do before the real show next week!!!

I wonder what tomorrow has in store for us?

Westonbirt Trip

Today was our first school trip to Westonbirt and what fun we had!

First we became Nature Detectives searching for leaves of different shapes, sizes and colours. Hugo found the biggest leaf and Sam’s skeleton leaf was fascinating. We also collected other woodland treasures; acorns, sweet chestnuts and their prickly shells, lichen, moss, sticks and pine cones.


Then we impressed Mrs Saeed with our climbing and balancing skills in the woodland playground and some of us went for a ride on the “story train”.


We then found three houses in need of some repair so spent time rebuilding them (more than once as the big bad wolf kept blowing them down!).


After lunch we had another wander in the woods where most of us enjoyed a run to burn off our excess energy (others of us were rather tired by now so enjoyed a gentle stroll).


Finally it was time to get back on the coach and go back to school.

The children were all superbly behaved and Mrs Saeed and Mrs Nicholls were very proud of them all. Thank you to all the parents that came to help. We had a fantastic day!


Letter Formation

Please check the links below to see how the children are learning to write letters in class.  These links have also been added to the new letter formation page on this blog.


CCW Precursive Arrow 1 Alphabet – a sheet to print off for handwriting practise – an online letter and number formation game for practise and information. It includes capital letters as well as lower case letters.


This week

Wow, what a busy week we have had so far. We have started learning our new story to retell; The Three Little Pigs and have made a class story map of the story (Mrs Saeed was surprised at how wolf like her first wolf picture looked but then on the second attempt it turned into a duck which had the whole class in stitches!).

We have all drawn pictures of the story in our writing books and have tried labelling our pictures. Some of us have made collages of houses using card, buttons, gummed paper, feathers, pipecleaners, tissue paper and anything else we could find – we have had a tree house, a haunted house and a bridge house so far.


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Today we acted out the story –  there are some very talented young wolf actors in our class – bearing teeth and sharp claws, slinking up to the pigs’ houses.

In letters and sounds we are now learning how to write our letters correctly using whiteboards and marker pens. Everyone is trying really hard and Mrs Saeed has been very impressed with how well everyone is doing.

In maths we have been counting backwards and have learnt a new counting back from 10 song. Ask your child to sing it to you!

Visiting Author

During Book Week we were very lucky to receive a visit from the children’s author Julia Jarman. She read some of her stories to us including The Big Red Bath and Class 2 at the Zoo and she talked about what had been the inspiration for her stories.



Book Week

This week is book week and we are all looking forward to reading lots of fairy tales on Monday, bringing in and sharing our favourite books on Tuesday, immersing ourselves in poetry on Wednesday, reading picture books on Thursday and dressing up as fairy tale characters on Friday.  Watch out here for any updates throughout the week!