A visit from the police!

A visit from the police!

Chief Inspector Jacobs came in today to talk to the children about what is like to be a police officer. She told us what to do in an emergency dial 999 or 112 or if it is not an emergency then dial 101.
Megan told us about mounted police on horses. Seb told us about unmarked police cars and plain clothed officers.

She told us all the different ways that the police travel; cars, motorbikes, boats, helicopters, bicycles and vans.  We also learnt about what police dogs do and how they help the police.

If we get lost when we are out with our family we need to stop where we are and stay there. It is a good idea to have a plan when at a large event. Find a meeting point to go back to if you are lost.

Torch handcuffs baton, notebook, pens and radio are kept in the jacket.
The police have to be very good at asking questions. We asked some super questions. Do you use radios, torches and guns? Why do you wear a uniform?