Here is our poem of the week – Apples, Apples

All Reception children have now been given a pink poem book. Our first poem is Apples, Apples. Please share the poem with your child at home. Can they remember it and sing/recite it back to you? Can they find the rhyming words? Songs and rhymes have a hugely positive impact on a child’s language and literacy development.  Research has shown that a child who knows four nursery rhymes by the time they’re four will naturally be a better reader at eight years old. Rhymes help us to learn to play with words. They tune our ears to all the sounds in the word. By hearing different sounds we learn how sounds combine and blend together to form a word, we can learn how to play with them, how to change them and we can learn to recognise what sounds can be paired with other sounds. Most importantly it is lots of fun!
