
Since we have started blogging, it has been fantastic to see just how many people have been commenting on our posts.  We feel that the blogs give people outside of school a view in to the classrooms.  It also means that the children can share their class’ work with anyone and everyone.

We are now starting to invite the children to comment on our blogs and have begun to take them through the guidelines that are displayed , sharing with them what makes a useful and valued comment.  We are aware that not many children from the lower part of the school will have email addresses and so the children are being taught to use the following method.

In the email section put…so mine would be

In the Name section put who you are and your class…Adam Teal

Then write a comment as normal.

This method will work for anybody and the class teacher will still need to moderate each comment before it is shown on the blog.

We encourage children to use the best punctuation and spelling that they are capable of and remind them constantly that what they write can be seen by anyone in the world!!!

We hope this will take the level of engagement with our blogs to a whole new level.

Here are some children giving recommendations about how to write a good comment…


And a poster we have displayed in school.

Great comment

Most of all, have fun – it will soon be your turn to blog!

Mr. O.